I read LOTS of Comics...

So, I read comics (duh, with a handle like, "SpiderMitch")... I read everything from the big boys like DC & Marvel, to the mid-sized Image, Dark Horse, IDW, & Aspen, to the independent and smaller publishers like Big Dog Inc & Zenescope...
Anyway, I thought it would be kinda cool to see if I could do a few write-ups after I finish reading comics. You may not necessarily agree with what I have to say, but that's the fun of reading comics: each person has different interpretation and tastes. Here I hope to share my experience (whether it be good or not so good), and have a little fun and humor along the way!

I'll try not to give away too many spoilers, but it's my hope you read these reviews after you've read the issue, so you can comment if you want!

I'm a little behind on what I read, since I try to do so chronologically. This often has me jumping from title to title to fit everything in a massive reading order. Generally I read simultaneous publishers / events at a time.
It may be handy to use the navigation filters above to jump to specific publishers, events, or specific characters!

P.S. I'll be using my phone & tablets to both read the comics & write these reviews, so if there's spelling mistakes / layout issues, sorry!

Monday, May 18, 2015

DC New52 - BatWing #0 (I madz, so I am SuperHero!)

With the launch of DCs New52, a few new characters came to the forefront and got their own titles.  Some of these have been around for a while, and even though you may not like them, DC is determined to push them down your throats!  I'll be hitting some of those close to the end of my DC New52 zero issue romp, but I took the chance on one of the new character's series to emerge and read BatWing.  The result & verdict? Ehhhh.

So this dudes in Africa and gets all mad at these dude for beating up his bro.  He puts on a mask and goes on his own crusade.  That's about it for modivation.  It's honestly one of the most generic origin stories I've seen. The only thing that separates this guy from say... the Punisher, is that he decides not to kill.  This apparently impresses Batman (who's been all about recruiting Batpeople around the world) and this warrants Batman giving him a suit and saying, "Welcome to the BatFamily!"

"I mean, I appreciate it, Batman, but won't I look a little dorky with that mask on?"

"Yeah, I definitely look like a dork in this mask."

And so, I have a major issue with this character, right from the get-go: Every other person Batman had join him was seriously vetted and reluctantly let into Batman's crusade.  Robin (all of them) took a long time to get into that role.  Even all of the Batgirl throughout the pre New52verse had a really difficult time even being let into the Batcave...
This dude is totally given preferential treatment and I can't fathom how giving resources to those that decide to be super heroes is a good thing.  I understand that Batman's going around recruiting people cause he can't be in China or Africa while chilling in Gotham, but comeon.  "Here, guy, go be Iron Man on my dime."

Anyway this is the whole reason I don't like Batman Inc.  The appeal is awesome: Batman formally being backed by Wayne and on a mission to gather a team of BatFolks around the world... sounds cool... but the execution is really boring.  Every issue of Batman Inc really doesn't have anything to do with Batman and I find the Batpeople prospects pretty damn boring.  Also, I cant help feeling that reading about them is probably futile, since it'll probably be a few years until we ever revisit them anyway.

But, I digress.

I only really read this because I see that this particular character is still around the BatFamily of books in this post New52 era, so I wanted to get on the ground floor.  Given how generic his origin is though, I am going to struggle with this one going forward.  Thank god his costume looks better in the newer issues I've seen out.  I mean really, the half-assed mask he's got on (presumably to show everyone how DC has equal-opportunity super heroes) is going to be a giant target to the first bad guy with a gun.  While I suppose the same thing could be said with all of the BatFolks, at least they all have some amount of training; this is just some dude with a vengeance - and a suit with a pointy earmuffs.

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