I read LOTS of Comics...

So, I read comics (duh, with a handle like, "SpiderMitch")... I read everything from the big boys like DC & Marvel, to the mid-sized Image, Dark Horse, IDW, & Aspen, to the independent and smaller publishers like Big Dog Inc & Zenescope...
Anyway, I thought it would be kinda cool to see if I could do a few write-ups after I finish reading comics. You may not necessarily agree with what I have to say, but that's the fun of reading comics: each person has different interpretation and tastes. Here I hope to share my experience (whether it be good or not so good), and have a little fun and humor along the way!

I'll try not to give away too many spoilers, but it's my hope you read these reviews after you've read the issue, so you can comment if you want!

I'm a little behind on what I read, since I try to do so chronologically. This often has me jumping from title to title to fit everything in a massive reading order. Generally I read simultaneous publishers / events at a time.
It may be handy to use the navigation filters above to jump to specific publishers, events, or specific characters!

P.S. I'll be using my phone & tablets to both read the comics & write these reviews, so if there's spelling mistakes / layout issues, sorry!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

DC New52 - Superman #0 (No One Ever Listens to GorEl)

Man I'm really tired of reading Superman's origin. Tired of seeing it on the big screen too.  I get that a lot went down on Krypton prior to the sundering, but I don't want to read about the adventures of the House of El during this time.  We get it by now: GorEl was awesome, knew shit was going down & nobody effing listened!  This story doesn't really give us too much we didn't know, although there is a hint of a time-traveling paradox, which will hopefully culminate into a causality loop... that would be sweet & make this rerereretold origin actually something of note.  (Remember, dear readers, I'm still playing catch-up and reading in chronological order.  This sudden appearance of Superman left me scratching my head going, "Huh?" But it was still a really cool, "Oh I gotta keep reading Supes to see what that's about!" moment.  As of the time of this writing, I'm sure this was already addressed, and may have been so when the zero issue came out.  This may have been another person's nod saying "Oh that's when he went back in time..." but to me, it's like seeing Marty crawling around on the scaffolding before you knew he went back to the moment he was singing Johnny B. Good.)

Oh and by the way: in case anyone was wondering... GorEl and Lara don't make it, but KalEl does...
(Spoilers, I know!)

Oh and what the hell is up with Kryptonian fashion?  I wonder if they thought of making a 'fashion police' guild?

1 comment:

  1. +1 for the Back to the Future Reference. :)
