I read LOTS of Comics...

So, I read comics (duh, with a handle like, "SpiderMitch")... I read everything from the big boys like DC & Marvel, to the mid-sized Image, Dark Horse, IDW, & Aspen, to the independent and smaller publishers like Big Dog Inc & Zenescope...
Anyway, I thought it would be kinda cool to see if I could do a few write-ups after I finish reading comics. You may not necessarily agree with what I have to say, but that's the fun of reading comics: each person has different interpretation and tastes. Here I hope to share my experience (whether it be good or not so good), and have a little fun and humor along the way!

I'll try not to give away too many spoilers, but it's my hope you read these reviews after you've read the issue, so you can comment if you want!

I'm a little behind on what I read, since I try to do so chronologically. This often has me jumping from title to title to fit everything in a massive reading order. Generally I read simultaneous publishers / events at a time.
It may be handy to use the navigation filters above to jump to specific publishers, events, or specific characters!

P.S. I'll be using my phone & tablets to both read the comics & write these reviews, so if there's spelling mistakes / layout issues, sorry!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

DC New52 - World's Finest: Powergirl & Huntress (S Is the Warmest Lettour)

This turned out to be a total surprise.  Given that I haven't read too far into the new 52 before these Zero issues came out, I was able to go into this story with truly virgin eyes.  I didn't even really acknowledge the title and was pleasently surprised when I uncovered exactly what this book was setting up: Power Girl and Huntress, who are presented here on Earth 2 as Supergirl and Robin respectively.  This is an origin story about two heroes from another world that will eventually become heros on our world & I couldn't be more interested in seeing how they cope with the events of their past that's laid out so brilliantly here.

Robin here is the daughter of Batman and Catwoman and is spurred into action after a tragedy befalls her mother.  Batman, barely able to fight, calls in Superman (who's busy) which subsequently brings Supergirl into the mix.  That's really all you get from this, other than a sense that these two may be lesbians in the near future...

I mean really, isn't SuperGirl's expression a little sexual?
No?  Just me?
Well fine, I'll believe what I want!

Anyway, this is a great entry point into the Earth 2 universe, and these character's pasts.  I'm looking forward to continuing with this title.

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